Jiangsu accelerates the construction of dual circulation
East China’s Jiangsu province has made every effort to develop the real economy, accelerate the construction of a strong manufacturing powerhouse, expand institutional opening, step up the construction of a dual circulation system, promote high-quality development, and seek greater presence in serving the country’s dual circulation.
As a leading semiconductor silicon wafer manufacturer in China, Zhonghuan Semiconductor is currently making every effort to promote the upgrade of intelligent manufacturing.
AGV intelligent vehicles in the workshops shuttled back and forth, while the intelligent control center achieved high controllability of various production factors, continuously improving production and operational efficiency.
“We have made significant breakthroughs in the performance and quality of key technology products, becoming a major global manufacturer of digital logic chips and storage chips, serving as the heart of high-speed trains by using our large silicon wafers for IGBT chips,” Hao Xiaohui, director of 12 inch factory, Zhonghuan Semiconductor, said.
Wuxi has continuously expanded the integrated circuit industry chain by gathering more than 400 enterprises on the chain so as to have created an industrial cluster that fully covers all aspects of the integrated circuit industry. In 2022, Wuxi recorded a total output value of 200 billion yuan in integrated circuits, accounting for one eighth of the national total.
“We have implemented one-enterprise, one-policy for leading enterprises on the chain so as to fuel the growth and development of large, small, and medium-sized enterprises. At the same time, we have focused on the leading enterprises on the chain so as to have improved the resilience of our industrial chain and supply chain to form a pattern of coordinated development for enterprises in the upstream and downstream,” Zuo Baochun, Deputy Director of Wuxi Industry and Information Technology Bureau, said.
In the meantime, Jiangsu has promoted the organic combination of the strategy of expanding domestic demand with the deepening of supply side structural reform, accelerated the construction of a modern industrial system and the construction of 10 national advanced manufacturing clusters and 16 provincial key clusters with high standards, introducing an implementation plan to promote the development of strategic emerging industry integration clusters, and focusing on the "1650" modern industrial system to implement eight action plans such as cluster peak building. A series of measures are constantly enhancing Jiangsu"s position in the global industrial value chain, and building a solid industrial foundation for dual circulation system.
On the other hand, Jiangsu has targeted building a two-way open hub with global convergence so as to have continuously enhanced its attractiveness and driving force for international circulation.
From January to May, Jiangsu ranked first in the country in terms of the actual use of foreign capital. Suzhou is stepping up the construction of Schaeffler’s new energy vehicle core component project which carries a total investment of 300 million US dollars.
This largest German funded enterprise in Taicang has continuously increased its investment since settling in Taicang in 1995 by registering an investment of over 11 billion yuan and an annual output value of more 20 billion yuan.
“Our layout in Taicang has evolved from a single component maker to a comprehensive subsystem of new energy vehicles by focusing on the development of the Chinese market. These excellent and comprehensive supply chain resources in the Yangtze River Delta provide a very good environment for our overall development,” said Li Youmei, Director of Corporate Communication and Marketing in Greater China, Schaeffler.
By accelerating the construction of a dual circulation system, Jiangsu has taken more practical measures to seize the initiative for future development. From January to May, Jiangsu recorded a total retail sales volume of 189065 billion yuan, ranking second in the country.
- Jiangsu accelerates the construction of dual circulation
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